Welcome to the Grand Lodge of the State of Israel of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons
Our organization is a fraternity advocating and promoting the ideals of social solidarity, mutual aid,charity and morality
Freemasonry is the world's oldest universal fraternity, which believes in the brotherhood of man under the Fatherhood of G-d. Freemasonry strives to achieve moral improvement, family values, civic betterment, freedom of thought, and tolerance. Freemasons around the world volunteer and contribute to medical research, hospitals, homes for the elderly, scholarships, and many other charitable causes.
There are about a thousand Freemasons living in Israel. They belong to some 80 lodges throughout the country. Around the world, there are more than 6 million Freemasons and each one of them enjoys a multitude of benefits from participating in Masonry.
When we group people with talent and an open mind, it’s important for us to give them the support and an opportunity to add to the success in their lives, in their family lives, and with their hobbies.